Completely Solved C, C++ Programs Assignment.

Computer data structures and interactive data structure visualizations

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The Concept of Stack
Array implementation of Stack(C Program Implementation)
C program to implement a stack using an array
Implementation of a stack using linked list
C Program to implement stack using Linked list
The Concept of Queues
Array implementation of a queue (C implementation)
C program to implement a queue using an array
Implementation of a queue using linked list
C Program to implement queue using Linked list
[Circular Queues]
The Concept of Circular Queues
Sample C program to implement Circular Queue
[Linked List]
The Concept of Linked List
C program for building and printing the elements of the linked list
Recursive C program to insert a node into a linked list
C Program Sorting and reversing a linked list
C implementation of deleting a specified node in a singly linked list
C implementation of inserting a node after the specified node in a singly linked list
C implementation of inserting a node in a sorted list
C implementation of counting the number of nodes of a linked list
C implementation of merging of two sorted list
C implementation of erasing a linked list
C implementation of Polynomial representation of a linked list
C implementation of representation of sparse matrices
C program for building and printing the elements of the circular linked list
C Program to splitting the list with 2n nodes into two separate and equal lists
C program of merging of two circular linked list
C implementation of reverse the direction of links in a singly linked circular list
[Double Linked List]
Introduction of a Doubly Linked list
Application of Double Linked Lists to memory management
C Program to implement a double linked list
C program to insert a node in a double linked list
C program to deleting a node in a double linked list
Introduction of Infix,Postfix,Prefix
Conversion Techniques
Algorithm to the Infix to Postfix Convertor Function
C Program to Convert Infix to Postfix
C Program to Convert Infix to Postfix using Stack
Algorithm to the Infix to Prefix Convertor Function
C Program to convert Infix to Prefix Using Stack
The Concept of Trees  Introduction | Definition of a Tree | Degree of a Node of a Tree.
Binary tree and it's representation Introduction | Representation of a Binary Tree.
Binary tree traversal Introduction.
Binary search tree Introduction | Program: Creating a Binary Search Tree | Explanation of problems.
Counting number of nodes ina binary search tree Introduction | Solved Program with explanation.
Swapping left and right subtrees of a given binary tree Introduction.
Searching for a target key in a binary search tree Introduction.
Deletion of a node from a binary search tree Deletion of a node with two children | Deletion of a Node with One Child | Deletion of a Node with No Child.
Application of a binary search tree

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